Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Kreativ Blogger!! Woo Hoo!

Well I'm Geeked! My friend and fellow mom blogger, Mar, over at Raising Bean nominated me for this award! Thank you, thank you, thank you Mar! So now that I've been nominated, I must continue the tradition and nominate seven others. Read on below....

1. Thank and link back to the awarding blog.
2. Answer seven questions.
3. Provide 10 random facts about yourself.
4. Hand the award on to 7 deserving others.

1. What is your favorite song? That my dear friends is easy! In Your Eyes, by Peter Gabriel... hands down.

2.What is your favorite dessert? Really? I have to pick one? I guess I'd have to say ice cream.

3. What do you do when you are upset? Ummm.... I'd have to say first reaction is cry. I admit I don't handle emotion really well.

4. Which is your favorite pet? If I had to choose, I'd say my very first pet on my own... Sly. I rescued him (or should I say he rescued me) and he was there when I had so many life changing moments...it was one of the saddest days of my life when I lost him.
5. Which do you prefer, white or whole wheat? Whole wheat. It just tasted better to me. But I am starting to acquire (very slowly) a taste for millet (gluten free) bread because my husband is gluten intolerant. 

6. What's your biggest fear? Losing those that I love.

7. What is your attitude mostly? I look to the bright side of things. I teach high school so people think that I am insane but I find working with teenagers keeps me young at heart.

Ten Random Facts About Me
1. I am left handed.

2. I love cooking, but absolutely hate to clean up. And laundry... ugh...don't get me started.

3. I like shopping for others, but have no patience when shopping for myself.

4. I could watch the BBC version of Persuasion over and over and over again. It is my favorite Jane Austin book ever.

5. I love Vera Bradley bags. They are the most girly, patterned things I own.

6. I really love falling asleep to the sound of the rain--SO relaxing.

7. If I could, I would take long showers everyday until the hot water ran out.

8. My child dresses better and has more up-to-date technology than I do.

9. If it weren't so bad for me, I'd eat a cheeseburger with ketchup, mustard and pickles every day.

10. I love it when my child naps... I can take a nap too---ahhh... heaven.

My Nominees

Team Studer -- Tabitha's blog was my inspiration for starting a blog. I've been a fan for almost 2 years now.

Meeting Lauren -- Jackie is mom to Lauren, a beautiful baby girl with downs syndrome, and a rambunctious toddler Ryan. I am blessed to know her and love reading about her family adventures.

Growing Up Geeky -- a fellow teacher and blogger, Melissa has a great blog about family and life.

Meet the Dubiens -- what would I do without this awesome crafty fun blog by Jill? Her weekly "bento" snack boxes have been a life saver and allowed me to try new things (a.k.a. foods) with Dunc.

Funny PostPartum Lady -- I found Funny Post Partum Lady when I was looking for inspiration about being a military wife. All I can say is what a fun blog to read, hands down you should follow this fellow military mommy.

The Nonsensationalist -- Cesca (aka Francesca) is actually a former student of mine from my first years of teaching (we won't say how long ago that was ok?). He has a wonderful family now and I've really enjoyed following the antics of her crew. She is such a great writer.

One Good Thing by Jillee -- I found this blog via Pinterest when Jill posted the XL chocolate chip cookie in a mug. OMG it was heaven. I now follow her for crafty tips and ideas. I big puffy heart her blog! :)


  1. Thank you for the blog love! I love your blog, it is great. I look forward to reading more of your posts!

    1. You are very welcome. Thanks for the follow. I do really enjoy your blog :)
